Gallery of Listeners in the Wild |
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Seti and gregor with Lord Shiva at the Wyoming rainbow gathering.

"Going to work at Oh-dark-thirty is 145% less lonely with HOBER playing on your workstation."
-Laura Kate Barrett of the Wild Oats with us from San Diego, California. Laura Kate is one of Hober's longest and most supportive listeners.

"I listen when I can and Sundays in our house especially are all about breakfast, Hober and hanging out with our kids."
-Chris with Hudson from San Diego, California

The music & the atmosphere Hober creates in our home is unlike any other radio station! Our children Eden, Sidney and Cedar play our jembe drum & didgeridoo, while dancing and singing to Hober music! Your music truly touches the lives of your listeners.
Peace, Mountain and Jeni livin' in Ontario Canada:-)

Hello from Alan & Alva Stourbridge, West Midlands, UK
 Pookie and I listen to you guys all day long whilst doing our chocolate designs! You can tell that we always have Hober in our thoughts. A sheer pleasure to be able to hear quality tunes without all the "Mumbo-Jumbo" and "Gooky-Mooky" on the airwaves.
-Danny & Pookie Longwood, FLA
"Real music... heart-felt music... is an essential ingredient of our lives.
Keep it up... (And you should hear the girls sing!)" -David

"This was on a trail up a mountain in Chirisan National Park, South Korea. 70% of Korean households are wired with broadband access and there are PC cafes on every block filled with people playing games and surfing the net." -Steve among Korean totems
Sule Greg Wilson, listening from Tempe, AZ while "grading papers
past midnight with my Old Town Taky Pk Street Festival T-Shirt on! Yes, I miss home (Takoma Park)....Hober is great!

Jacob listening from "Pooh Corner Farm" in Chesterland, Ohio.

"Thank you kindly for the kicklin' tunes! They effervesce ever so gently
from my shantyboat across the Kentucky River in Frankfort KY." -N8K9

Jan and Rebecca are happy listeners in San Francisco.

A loyal Hober listener from Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire USA.

HOBER is listened to periodically from this site located in Shelby County, Alabama, U. S. A. Generally, the occasion is that of the annual chitlin (chitlings; port intentines) cooking and eating event held here, although there are several other noteworthy events that take place at this audacious establishment. -Hylott

Kim listens from Syracuse, NY.
"This is where I listen from, the view is from my balcony. I believe I'm the only non-Chinese person on Wentworth St. in Chicago's Chinatown. When I'm painting you're all I listen to. What a great range of music." -Jes
"Me and eric the designer i work with. We are listening hober all the day at our office in paris." -BRUNO
Good stuff. Reminds me of my youth in DC. Been out in Indonesia 22 years now. Hello to all users of Thinking Radio, the only place I ever heard any of my Sun Ra collection broadcast. Nobody ever believed me when I told them that DC was a hotbed of bluegrass, either. Proof in truth." -Steve "Rude" Jacobs
Singing Hober's praises at the EarthTide Gallery in Townsend Tennessee. Gary, Connie and Anne, the Wild Mountain Rose Band.
Hi there, listening from Tokyo Japan. Thanks for the tunes! Jonathan & Sarah

Here's where I listen from. Thanks for a terrific service.
Best - Jon in Glendale, California
Bella Regina and Paul listening from Houston

David holding Hober
Becky, listening from Texas
Dave Jackson, photographed during recording of Field Recordings Vol. I
Remy Giraud, warming up for Field Recordings Vol. IV
We listen to Hober Radio in our Dilbert-esque cubicles at Boeing in Seattle. We used to be boring white shirt and tie engineers before we tuned in and turned on to Hober Radio! We're nervous and scared, living out here on the edge, but we like the feeling!

Listening from the "Rooftop of the World", Hober Field Recorder, Ibrik O'Neil, talks with Tibetan writer, Tsering Dondrup.

I'm a follower of Appliantology founded by L. Ron Hoover,
We worship kitchen appliances (especially chrome plated!).
Only from the mind of Zappa, may he rest in peace!
Sam Kroy

Charlie says come and visit SEADS (Solar Energy Awareness Demonstration Seminars)
solar energy learning and experimentation lab. The house is a hostel, and the grounds
are for trying out ideas and working toward finding the next step. Plus the obvious
draw of grid-free Hober! The email address in the picture is seadssolar@hotmail.com

I listen in my office with my treasured Hober hat on. Keep up the great
music, you really are the best!!!
Peace, Sharon
aka. ATorchSong

JoAnne, who is a Kindergarten teacher, listens to HOBER from her
little house on 2 acres about 15 miles west of Baltimore. She's always loved
all kinds of music, sings and plays the guitar - although her audience is
mostly her Kindergarten class!. Whenever her husband or daughter boot up the
computer, their first question is usually "Why do you keep these speakers
turned up so LOUD!!??"
 One Mark Hartung listening in Key West, Florida.
 Here is the Hober dome, from which the broadcast emanates. 3 stories inside, 3 T1 lines and 30 computers Trace Inverter and propane generator backup wood heated, 48,000 BTUs of air conditioning
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